Größeres Team, das um einen Tisch herum sitzt und gerade an einem Projekt mit einem Flipchart arbeitet

Evolit offers individual software de­vel­op­ment across the entire life cycle, tailored to the needs of customers with complex business processes. In doing so, we provide implementation-oriented support in technically chal­leng­ing projects.

Our Mission

How we work

We provide implementation-oriented support in tech­ni­cal­ly chal­leng­ing projects. We implement our projects with speed, flexibility and quality orien­­ta­­tion. Our employees perceive their scope of action with the highest possible personal respo­n­s­ibi­lity.

This defines us

We live an appreciative attitude and enjoy our work. We stand for hand­shake quality – no bullshitting – and strive for projects with social added value.

Our foundation

Founded on January 3rd, 2011, the name Evolit was chosen from a creativity com­pe­ti­tion among the first 4 employees of the company, from a wide array of sug­ges­tions, some nerdy and some absurd. Evolit emerged from the com­bi­na[shy]tion of “Evolution” and “IT,” thanks to our employee Balazs, who con­tribut­ed not only this suggestion but a majority from a long list.

Evolit was born and has continued as Evolit Consulting, including an interlude as “Signon Österreich”. A fun fact: Evolit can be read partly as “LoveIT” when mirrored, en­cap­su­lat­ing precisely who we are and what we stand for.

Our 5 working principles

Quality Icon Quality Icon Selected
Innovation Icon Innovation Icon Selected
Teamwork Icon Teamwork Icon Selected
Budget Icon Budget Icon Selected
Deadlines Icon Deadlines Icon Selected

Evolit in Figures

Years of Experience
Satisfied Customers
Female Workforce

Management Board

Daniel Freiberger

Paul Kleinrath

Managing Director

CEO and founder

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Location Icon

Evolit Consulting GmbH
Marxergasse 1B/Top 6
1030 Vienna, Austria

Phone Icon

Tel.: +43 1 58 11 454

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Evolit Slovakia s.r.o.
Alžbetina 419/22
05801 Poprad, Slovakia

Phone Icon

Tel.: +43 1 58 11 454